Ehrenfeucht Fraïssé Games

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Ehrenfeucht Fraïssé games ( EF games ) are a proof technique of model theory . EF games can be used to show or refute the equivalence of two structures . Structures used in the descriptive complexity theory mostly as a formalism to describe objects such as words or graphs . Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games provide a tool for proving lower bounds , i.e. for proving that a given class of structures cannot be expressed by a certain logic .

They were developed by Andrzej Ehrenfeucht on the basis of the theoretical work of the mathematician Roland Fraïssé .

An EF game is played by two players, usually called Spoiler and Duplicator (after Joel Spencer ) or Samson and Delilah (after Neil Immerman ).


  • Be a structure. Then denote the corresponding universe ( basic set , carrier set ).
  • denote the set of all finite structures of the signature .

The n- round EF game

Ehrenfeucht Fraïssé games in their conventional form are closely related to first-level logic . This basic form is defined as follows.



two structures of the same signature,

An n-round game is defined on the interpretations :

The EF game has n rounds, the starting set is ;
  • in each round i (i <n) , Samson first chooses any or one that has not been chosen before
  • if Samson has chosen an element , Delilah then chooses any in the same way , otherwise one
  • the resulting tuple is added to the initial set.
After n rounds a set of 2-tuples results .
  • If this set defines a partial isomorphism , Delilah wins, otherwise Samson wins.
By definition , Delilah wins the game if she has a compelling winning strategy .

Often applies ; you write and the initial set is empty.

Features of EF games


Two structures are equivalent, Delilah wins . If the signature of the structures is finite, the converse also applies.

Two structures are called and equivalent, in signs , if and fulfill the same sentences of the first-order predicate logic, whose depth of nesting of universal and existential quantifiers is at most .


Delilah wins for everyone and are elementarily equivalent .

Prove lower bounds

To prove that a set cannot be defined by -formulas, it suffices to show that for every n  ∈ there are  two structures and such that Delilah has a winning strategy for .

EF games for second order predicate logic

Ehrenfeucht Fraïssé games can be extended to second level logic relatively easily . However, proving winning strategies becomes much more difficult. A restricted variant are games for the existential predicate logic of the second level plays an important role in the descriptive complexity theory through the characterization of the complexity class NP , see also Fagin's theorem .

If the logic is further restricted to monadic predicates , this version of the EF games is equivalent to the Ajtai-Fagin games.

SO∃ games



two structures of the same signature

the inputs for a game.

  • Samson selects the predicates of arity over
  • Delilah then over- selects the predicates of arity
  • The Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé game is finally played on the two expanded structures .

For games (limited to monadic predicates) applies to all .

Ajtai Fagin games

Ajtai - Fagin games are equivalent in the sense of the MSO∃ games than that Delilah the Ajtai-Fagin game on a setif and only wins if it for eachand everytwo structuresandare, making them the appropriate- Game wins. Ajtai-Fagin games are formally easier to handle thangames.


An Ajtai Fagin game is played on a set of structures :

  • First, Samson chooses two numbers
  • Delilah then chooses a structure
  • Samson selects the monadic predicates over
  • Delilah now another structure selects and monadic predicates over
  • Now the Ehrenfeucht Fraïssé game is played on the two expanded structures


Be . Then Delilah wins the Ajtai-Fagin game if and only if it cannot be defined by logic.

See also


  1. ^ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Logic and Games.
  2. ^ Neil Immerman: Descriptive Complexity. Springer, 1999, ISBN 978-0-387-98600-5 .