Eida Forest

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The Eidawald is a border forest between Norway (in the south of Fylke Innlandet ) and Sweden ( Värmland ).

The oldest tradition about this border is the Heimskringla of Snorri Sturluson , who reports around 1230 that a wealthy farmer, Brinijolfur Ulfbaldi, the Norwegian pretender to the throne Oluf Haraldson , only surviving son of Erik II (Denmark) , described the border as follows: " the Gotha-Elf makes the border from Wenersee to the sea, and in the northern plain the Eidawald, and from there to Finnmarken the Kolen Mountains. "


Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Böldl, Andreas Vollmer, Julia Zernack (eds.): Isländer Sagas 1, Frankfurt 2011, S. Fischer, ISBN 978-3-10-007622-9 , notes on page 855, point 70
  2. ^ Johann Heinrich Schlegel: Collection on Danish history, coin knowledge, economy ..., Volume 1, parts 3-4, 1772