A case for Mickey

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A case for Micky is a thriller - Comic - paperback series with Mickey Mouse as a detective , in 26 issues 1994-1995 in publishing Egmont Ehapa appeared. The format of the volumes is similar to the Donald Duck side rows Panzerknacker & Co. , Uncle Dagobert , Adventure Team and Fähnlein Fieselschweif .


This series is stylistically based on Philip Marlowe by Raymond Chandler and differs from other Mickey Mouse publications mainly through the always gloomy atmosphere. Mickey often works at night, sometimes until dawn and it is not uncommon for it to rain continuously, which justifies Mickey's ubiquitous trench coat. The issues are also more serious and threatening. The Black Phantom threatens Duckburg several times and plans the death of Mickey, but unknown characters often appear as the main criminals. Other gangsters also accept Mickey's and other people's deaths without scruples; in one volume the criminal even plans to sink the whole of Duckburg. Death itself is also discussed: a story begins with a dying count calling his relatives over to him. The investigation then takes place after the death of this character. Such topics can be found e.g. B. in the stories of the funny paperback not. Corruption among judges and police officers also plays a role several times. In addition, some episodes also end openly and Micky is left with the feeling of a constant threat.

The series was started with the hope of reaching young and adult fans who especially appreciate Mickey in his popular role as a detective. Despite some initial successes, sales fell short of expectations and so the series was discontinued after two years.

Most of the stories are drawn by Miguel Fernandez Martinez, Joaquín Cañizares Sanchez and Xavier Vives Mateu, and the copywriters Bob Langhans and Stefan Petrucha.


Unlike most Mickey Mouse publications, few well-known people appear.

The protagonist is Mickey in all stories. As a legendary detective, he solves every case and exposes every dark machination. It is not uncommon for him to convict his own client. In addition to major cases in which the whole of Duckburg is threatened, his chronically empty cash register also forces him to look for lost cats or to spy on the daughter of an industrialist. He has a good reputation all over Duckburg, even if several times it looks as if he has become a criminal himself.

Minni, Mickey's fiancée, is a reporter and TV presenter at the ETV broadcaster. It appears frequently in stories, sometimes provides valuable information, or is the reason for Mickey's investigation. In some cases she is also persecuted due to her journalistic work and gets into the fix from which Micky is expected to save her.

The Duckburg Superintendent is a good friend of Mickey and needs Mickey's help in almost every episode he appears in. In the stories in which Micky is suspected of being a criminal himself, he sticks to his friend and risks his job. Hunter ends up behind bars himself twice and then has to rely on Mickey's help. Personally, Hunter rarely contributes to the resolution of a case and is more likely to be on hand when the convicted criminal needs to be arrested.

Issel appears in several stories, but is rarely of great help. A little jealous of Mickey, he likes to call him an amateur. From everyone and also from him unexpectedly, he sometimes helps to solve a case with a hasty word.

The Black Phantom is Mickey's archenemy. In numerous stories he tries to take power over Duckburg or to destroy it. He often brings Mickey under his control and tries to kill him with various and sometimes ingenious methods, but is never successful.

Many other well-known characters such as Goofy , Klarabella Kuh or the actual opponent of Micky Kater Karlo do not appear.


In 1994 and 1995, stories were published in 26 volumes. Most of the booklets consist of two stories, but some only have a longer one. If two stories appear in one issue, the first is always the cover story and a little longer.

  • Part 1:
    • Vampires of the mind
    • The hooded eagle's secret
  • Volume 2:
    • The missing magician
    • The diva's jewels
  • Volume 3:
    • Kidnapped by zombies
    • One is playing wrong
  • Volume 4:
    • The secret of the statues
    • A nightmare comes true
  • Volume 5:
    • Dirty tricks and dirty coins
    • The Cabinet of Secrets
  • Volume 6:
    • Mickey under suspicion
  • Volume 7:
    • Sabotage in the circus
    • The missing racehorse
  • Volume 8:
    • A fateful legacy
    • Computer viruses
  • Volume 9:
    • A dangerous role
    • Scandal in the town hall
  • Volume 10:
    • The forgotten crime
    • Ransom for a violin
  • Volume 11:
    • Rosemary's daughters
    • A camera never lies
  • Volume 12:
    • The Count's Secret
    • Krokomann's revenge
  • Volume 13:
    • Duckburg in a stranglehold
  • Volume 14:
    • The Revenge of Jack Hammer
    • The werewolf of Duckburg
  • Volume 15:
    • The banker's flowering dreams
    • The missing harmonizer
  • Volume 16:
    • The mystery of the postage stamp
    • The "photo model" case
  • Volume 17:
    • Struggle for power
  • Volume 18:
    • The Omega Brotherhood
    • A disreputable case
  • Volume 19:
    • The ring of jewel thieves
    • Film festival scandal
  • Volume 20:
    • Late revenge
    • The bestseller
  • Volume 21:
    • The telltale book
    • The missing inheritance
  • Volume 22:
    • The downfall of Duckburg
  • Volume 23:
    • The poisoner
    • Safe overboard
  • Volume 24:
    • The search for Norbert Nobody
    • The masked avenger
  • Volume 25:
    • The royal diamond
    • The Prince of Sandistan
  • Volume 26:
    • play with the fire
    • Christmas sabotage

Publications outside the main series

  • Donald Duck Paperback, Volume 499:
    • The secret of the bit
  • Funny Paperback, Volume 222:
    • The woman in pale pink
  • Funny Paperback, Volume 229:
    • On the trail of the fire devil
  • Funny Paperback, Volume 236:
    • The mysterious handbag
  • Funny Paperback, Volume 389:
    • Under the spell of the phantom

The story "Future Imperfect" has not yet been published.

Reprints of the cases can also be found in several special editions such as Lustiges Taschenbuch Spezial.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ J. Stahl, Mickey Mouse , 85 years old . Egmont-Verlag, 2014, p. 4

Web links