A lucky one

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Anton Chekhov

A lucky one , also Der Glückspilz ( Russian Счастливчик , Stschastliwtschik ), is a story by the Russian writer Anton Chekhov , which appeared on May 5, 1886 in the Peterburgskaja Gazeta . During the author's lifetime, the text was translated into Bulgarian, German, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, Czech and Hungarian.


At the Bologoje station of the Nikolai Railway , a strange man jumps on one of the 2nd class cars of the approaching train. This Ivan Alexejewitsch is recognized beaming with joy by the passenger Pyotr Petrovich in the smoker's compartment. Ivan Alexejewitsch, still amazed at the wrong car in which he ended up, tells his story. The new husband on his honeymoon only drank a cognac in the station restaurant and left his wife in the compartment of the train going to the sunny south. Ivan Alexejewitsch is instructed by the laughing men in the compartment, this train is going north to Petersburg .

The traveler is shown good-naturedly how his mistake can be corrected at the appropriate next stop. Jemine - the travel fund has the better half of the marriage in custody. Never mind. You collect the required amount of money in the compartment.


  • February 2004, Saint Petersburg , performance in the Russkaya Antreprisa Theater based on the themes of the story.

German-language editions

  • Gerhard Dick (Hrsg.), Wolf Düwel (Hrsg.): Anton Chekhov: Collected works in single volumes : Der Glückspilz. P. 532–539 in: Gerhard Dick (Ed.): Anton Chekhov: From the rain to the eaves. Short stories. Translated from Russian by Ada Knipper and Gerhard Dick. With a foreword by Wolf Düwel. 630 pages. Rütten & Loening, Berlin 1964 (1st edition)

Used edition

  • A lucky one. German by Hermann Röhl . Pp. 25–32 in Marga Erb (ed.): Anton P. Chekhov: From the notes of an irate man. Stories. 412 pages. Reclam, Leipzig 1972, without ISBN

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Notes on p. 630 in FEB under A lucky one (Russian)
  2. Russian Russkaja antreprisa (like French entreprise - company)
  3. Newspaper article from February 14, 2004 (Russian)
  4. Entry in WorldCat
  5. ^ Hermann Röhl (1851–1923) in the Kalliope group