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The Einantwortung is a special feature of the Austrian succession . It looks its own sovereign act upon completion of the probate process before, by the heir after delivering a Erbantrittserklärung ownership of the assets of the estate purchases.

The responsibility leads to a universal succession through which the heir enters into the rights and duties of the testator. Until then, the dormant estate is to be viewed as a legal person - that is, similar to a GmbH or foundation , here in the "ownerless" phase it is a kind of independent asset.

The confirmation of the responsibility takes place with a separate resolution on the responsibility .

In Germany, upon the death of the testator, all of his or her assets are transferred to the heir (s ) by law ( Section 1922 BGB).


  • Gunter Wesener : "Responsibility". Origin, use and meanings of this term . In: Markus Steppan u. a. (Ed.): On the history of law. Festschrift for Gernot Kocher on his 65th birthday (= Grazer jurisprudential studies . Volume 61). Graz 2006, pp. 485-494.