A resurrected gift

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The cover of the booklet The Old Gospel , No. 5, A Gift Resurrected

The writing A Reanimated Gift was published by Franz Eugen Schlachter in 1896 as issue No. 3 of the series "The Old Gospel" in Biel. It was the continuation of the brochure Good News for the Sick and a piece of church history of the younger sanctification movement . It is a lecture about the gift of faith, especially its effect on healing the sick.

Schlachter explains his point of view and emphasizes, in the style of the sanctification movement of the time , that his generation would have lacked faith. He gave this lecture in 1896 at the conference of the Evangelical Preacher School in Basel. It is printed in the correspondence sheet of the APS (= old preacher pupils) of the preacher's school. Schlachter himself was a graduate of this school of preachers.

The lecture is completed by recent reports on the healing activities of Cyprian Vignes from Vialas. The two mentioned brochures about the healing of the sick and the reports about Cyprian Vignes in his magazine Brosamen von des Herr Tisch , which ran from 1895 on , led to controversial discussions within the Evangelical Society of the Canton of Bern.

Although the Evangelical Society and the Sanctification Movement were open to healing the sick through faith, there were skeptical voices who felt this reporting and butcher's attitude to be exaggerated. Over the years Schlachter became more moderate in this matter and from 1905 the reports about Cyprian Vignes from Vialas cease . The Schlachter crumbs were the only magazine that reported on Vignes at that time (1896–1905).