Lonely number

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Under a solitary number ( English solitary number ) is understood in the mathematical sub-area of number theory is a natural number which no other natural number as known has. Two natural numbers are considered to be known or known to each other if the quotients formed from the divisional sum of the number and the number itself are identical for both . Lone numbers include all prime numbers .


A natural number is called a lonely number (or in short: lonely ) if and only if the following applies:

is the partial sum of , i.e. the sum of all factors of .

Examples and Notes

  • Every natural number , which has no divisor in common with its divisor sum except for, for which the divisor sum and the number itself are prime , is a lone number. Therefore all prime numbers and even in general all prime number powers belong to the lonely numbers .
  • No perfect number is lonely, because it always applies why all perfect numbers are known to one another.
  • Numbers belong to the natural numbers, which are proven to be lonely without them and their partial sums being prime .
  • There are at least solitary numbers below .
  • The proof that a natural number has a friend and therefore cannot be a lonely number is often extremely time-consuming, even for small natural numbers. For example, the number as the smallest acquaintance has the number .


There is a previously unproven guess that the following numbers are lonely:

Another open problem is whether there are infinite sets of mutually known numbers. One possible candidate is the set of perfect numbers.


Web link

Wolfram MathWorld Solitary Number

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Neunhäuserer: pp. 186–187.
  2. a b Sándor-Crstici: pp. 70–71.
  3. In the English-language specialist literature, two different numbers that are known to one another are referred to as friendly pairs .
  4. Numbers that are known to one another are to be distinguished from friendly numbers .
  5. The proof of this goes back to MG Greening. See Anderson-Hickerson-Greening: Amer.Math.Monthly . S. 65-66 .
  6. a b Follow A095739 in OEIS