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As once a refers to the burying or covering dead animals with stones in inaccessible areas, such as in the mountains.

Actually, according to the By-Products Act, dead animals have to be brought to a carcass disposal facility for harmless disposal. Exceptions exist in accordance with Art. 19 of Regulation (EU) No. 1069/2009 for remote areas.

Anyone who wants to stone an animal, for example a cow that has fallen on a mountain pasture , must first have this approved by the responsible district administrative authority. For the approval by the official veterinarian , criteria such as dangers to the drinking water supply , the actually impossible recovery of the carcass or animal health concerns are important. If a permit cannot be granted, it is always possible that a dead cow has to be rescued by helicopter if there is no other option.

Other meanings

Originally, the word " Einsteins" generally referred to the surrounding of a natural area or area with stones.

In addition, the term is used to denote a step in the traditional drying of parchment and the eardrums of the membranophone .

Individual evidence

  1. Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 21, 2009 with hygiene regulations for animal by-products not intended for human consumption and for the repeal of Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002 (Regulation on animal by-products ) (PDF) (last accessed on October 8, 2011).
  2. see also a corresponding procedural instruction of the StMUGV of June 3, 2005.
  3. stone. In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 3 : E – research - (III). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1862, Sp. 310 ( woerterbuchnetz.de ).
  4. pergament-trommelfell.de - Archive link ( Memento from June 10, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Manufacturer's website (last accessed on December 3, 2007).