Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo Insurgente

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Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo Insurgente


Flag of the ERPI
active Jan 8, 1998 - Present
Country MexicoMexico Mexico
Type guerrilla

Comandante Ramiro
Comandante Arturo

Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo Insurgente (ERPI) , (German: Revolutionary People's Insurgent Army ), is one of several Mexican guerrilla groups in Guerrero . It was founded on January 8, 1998 as a result of a split in the guerrilla organization EPR . As reasons for the split, the organization cites on its homepage, among other things, the small increase in members, the pronounced centralized and bureaucratic structure of the EPR, and the dehumanization of certain procedures. ERPI sees itself as an organization for the self-defense of the villages in the fight against the "local princes" and the state repression organs allied with them and sees itself, in contrast to the EPR, similar to the EZLN in Chiapas , the principle of the mandar obedeciendo , the "obeying orders" , which means that it only acts in the way that its support base in the population supports.

The importance of this guerrilla group is assessed differently. The Mexican journalist Jorge Fernández Menéndez described the ERPI in 2006 as a group with little ideological foundation that was weakened due to internal disputes and the imprisonment of its leaders. Philipp Gerber, on the other hand, an employee at medico international schweiz , called it at the end of 2008 "an open secret that the guerrilla ERPI is just as present in large parts of the rural regions as the narco mafias in most cities". The remote highlands of guerrero are largely in the hands of the guerrillas.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Origen del ERPI. In: ERPI July 30, 2009, accessed February 21, 2010 (Spanish).
  2. Philipp Gerber: ¿Todos somos Narcos? In: ila. Retrieved February 21, 2010 .
  3. Article by Jorge Fernández Menéndez in Letras Libres
  4. Philipp Gerber: Guerrero: Social war and the practice of enforced disappearance. In: Correos de Centroamérica. December 22, 2008, accessed March 7, 2010 .
  5. ^ Gerold Schmidt: Philipp Gerber (medico international Switzerland): Explosive situation in the federal state of Guerrero. In: Newspool Latin America eV August 10, 2009, accessed on March 7, 2010 .

Web links