The Elegiambus is in ancient Latin Verslehre one of hemiepes and jambischem Dimeter formed meter after the metric scheme
- —◡◡ — ◡◡— (◡) ‖ ◡ —◡— ◡ —◡ ◡
The name reflects the composition of the preceding hemiepes, which corresponds to the second half of the pentameter in the Elegeion , the elegiac distich , and the following iambic colon .
Examples can be found in the 11th Epode of Horace , such as:
- iussus abire domum ferebar incerto pede
A similar verse in Greek poetry is the enkomiologikus , which corresponds to an Elegiambus shortened by the last two links.
- Friedrich Crusius , Hans Rubenbauer : Roman metrics. Hueber, Munich 1967, p. 114.
- Gero von Wilpert : Subject dictionary of literature. 8th edition Kröner, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-520-84601-3 , p. 205.