Elisabeth Blesendorf

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Elisabeth Blesendorf (* Berlin ; † 1760 in St. Petersburg ) was a German singer and painter.

Elisabeth Blesendorf came from a Berlin artist family, probably the daughter of the copper engraver Samuel Blesendorf , and she operated enamel painting in Berlin. But she primarily made a name for herself as an opera singer. In 1706 and 1708 she sang the title roles in opera performances at festivities at the Prussian court. Princess Menshikov took her to St. Petersburg, where she stayed until the end of her life.


  • Walther Killy (Ed.): Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie (DBE), Vol. 1 . Saur, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-598-23186-5 , pp. 569 .


  1. Nagler names her as the sister of Samuel and Constantin Friedrich Blesendorf. But Samuel was the father and not the brother of Constantin Friedrich, consequently Elisabeth could only have been the daughter of Samuel.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Georg Kaspar Nagler: New general artist dictionary, vol. 1 . EA Fleischmann, Munich 1835, p. 530 . ( limited preview in Google Book search).