Embedded Processing Model of Working Memory

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In contrast to Baddeley's working memory model , which relates to the modalities (phonological loop and visuospatial notepad), Nelson Cowan's model focuses on the functions and puts the modalities in the background.

Cowan's working memory

Embedded processing model of working memory

Cowan defines working memory as cognitive processes that keep information in a particularly accessible state in order to solve complex cognitive tasks.

The working memory information comes from hierarchically arranged structures. The working memory includes the focus of attention and the activated memory , both of which are embedded in long-term memory . This working memory contains all accessible information that is required for solving a cognitive task.

In contrast to Baddeley's working memory model , in which long-term memory and working memory represent two different components, Cowan's activated memory is the part of long-term memory that is in a temporarily activated state. A subset of this activated information comes into the focus of attention when it is used in cognitive operations through attention.

The focus of attention is capacity constrained and Cowan assumes that only 4 ± 1 unrelated items can be kept in the focus of attention at any given time.

In the picture it has to be Dishabituation, not Disabituation.

Basic mechanisms

Certain elements (object features) of memory are activated by a stimulus, together they form the encoding of the stimulus, which is used in working memory . Cowan assumes that there is automatic encoding, but that it is limited in scope.

The properties of the representation depend on the modality of the stimulus and its physical properties and the recoding of the stimulus. Like Baddeley, Cowan believes that the more similar the stimuli, the more difficult it is to distinguish.

Keeping: Items are kept in the focus of attention through search processes (rehearsal) by the focus revolving over these items.

In order to retrieve the items, they must be brought into the focus of attention. The retrieval from long-term memory is limited in time due to the extensive information structure. On the other hand, the recall from the activated memory must take place quickly, as the activation is limited in time. (10-20 sec.)

Control and regulation

Through attention control, items automatically or willingly come into the focus of attention.

Attention is willingly controlled by the central executive and automatically by the orientation response . The orientation reaction (physiological or motor reaction) occurs through significant and new stimuli or when the physical properties of the same stimulus change.

If stimuli are repeated unchanged, this leads to habituation (habituation) and the stimulus no longer comes into the focus of attention.

These mechanisms fulfill the function of a regulating filter, as explained by Anne Treisman .


  • N. Cowan: An embedded processes model of working memory. In: A. Miyake, P. Shah (Eds.): Models of working memory: Mechanisms of active maintenance and executive control. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1999, S, pp. 62-101.
  • J. Müsseler, W. Prinz : General Psychology. Spektrum-Verlag, 2002.