Emil Quandt

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Emil Quandt (born January 13, 1849 in Pritzwalk , Ostprignitz district , † May 12, 1925 in Wittstock ) was a German entrepreneur in the textile industry .


Emil (left) and Günther Quandt in 1900

Quandt became a half-orphan at the age of six and joined the Draeger brothers' cloth factory in Pritzwalk at the age of 16. After his marriage in 1880 to Hedwig Draeger (* May 12, 1855; † 1933), the daughter of the cloth manufacturer Johann Friedrich Ludwig Draeger, he was able to acquire the Pritzwalker cloth factory from her younger brother. In 1900 he also took over the Wittstocker cloth factory Wegener and founded the industrial dynasty of the Quandt family with these factories .

Emil Quandt was Günther Quandt's father . He also had the sons Werner and Gerhard, and the daughters Edith and Annaliese.

Partnership agreement from 1883, u. a. with the signature of Emil Quandt

Individual evidence

  1. Wittstock death register, 1925, entry no.83
  2. ^ Rüdiger Jungbluth: The Quandts. Campus Verlag, 2002, ISBN 3-593-36940-0 , p. 29.
  3. ^ Rüdiger Jungbluth: The Quandts. Campus Verlag, 2002, ISBN 3-593-36940-0 , pp. 29–31.
  4. a b Joachim Scholtyseck : The rise of the Quandts. A German entrepreneurial dynasty. 2nd edition, CH Beck, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-406-62251-9 .