Employed Community Pharmacists in Europe

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Employed Community Pharmacists in Europe (EPhEU)

Organizational data
President: Ulrike Mayer (VAAÖ, Austria)
Vice President: Serge Caillier (Chamber of Pharmacists Section D for employees, France)
Secretary General: Raimund Podroschko (VAAÖ, Austria)
Treasurer: Tanja Kratt (ADEXA, Germany)
Assessor: Katarina Fehir Šola (Pharmaceutical Society, Croatia)
Website: www.epheu.eu

Employed Community Pharmacists in Europe (EPhEU) is an umbrella organization of European trade unions and associations that represent employed pharmacists from public pharmacies. The aim is to improve the professional framework throughout Europe by participating in the legislative process. The umbrella organization also supports employed pharmacists who are looking for work in another member country.


On January 21, 2012, delegates from Belgium, Germany, France, Croatia and Austria signed the statutes of EPhEU. General assemblies are held at regular intervals, attended by delegates from all member countries.

Founding members

EPhEU was founded by five organizations:

  • ADEXA - The Pharmacy Union (Germany),
  • Association of Employed Pharmacists Austria (VAAÖ; Austria),
  • Section D of the Chamber of Pharmacists and the CFE-CGC Chimie union (both France),
  • Association of Pharmacy Cooperatives (OPHACO; Belgium),
  • Pharmaceutical Society of Croatia.

Working groups

  • Initial and continuing education
  • Special features of exercising a profession in EU countries
  • Foreign pharmacists in EU countries
  • Different regulations on working hours


On June 30, 2012, the first general assembly including the election of the board took place in Brussels. The delegates adopted rules of procedure and set up several working groups. On April 5, 2013, the second General Assembly took place in Paris, at which the Pharmacists' Defense Association (PDA) from Great Britain was accepted as a member. Delegates from all member organizations spoke about the planned EU directives on working hours (on-call duty, maximum working hours), professional qualifications, activities in other EU countries and the protection against counterfeiting of pharmaceuticals. The delegations were unanimously of the opinion that knowledge of the local language is essential for employed pharmacists in public pharmacies. The individual opt-out from the planned maximum working hours was also rejected uniformly by means of an employment contract.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Network for employed pharmacists ( memento of the original from September 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved September 1, 2013  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.adexa-online.de
  2. Members of EPhEU Accessed : September 1, 2013
  3. New power for pharmacy employees across Europe / Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung Accessed: September 1, 2013