Paul Emanuel Müller

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Paul Emanuel Müller-Hess (born January 23, 1927 in Olten ; † October 15, 2018 ) was a Swiss philologist , writer and editor .

Müller attended the Solothurn Cantonal School and studied literature, history and education in Basel, Neuchâtel, Geneva and Zurich. He received his doctorate in 1953 in Zurich on Novalis ' fairy tale world . From 1964 to 1972, Müller was the editor of the Swiss Teachers' Journal and until 1992 a teacher at the Cantonal School in Chur . For his literary work he was awarded the following prizes, among others:

  • Prix ​​du Domaine de l'Ameillaud-Cairanne 1980
  • Literature prize of the working group for advertising, market and opinion research 1983
  • Prize of the Comité National Suisse des Guides Touristiques 1983
  • Recognition award from the Canton of Graubünden in 1984

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ obituary Retrieved April 11, 2020 .