Energy saving account

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The energy saving account (ESK) is a web application that enables you to control your own energy consumption . The tool went online in 2007 as an online service from the non-profit co2online GmbH. So far, the energy saving account has around 90,000 registered users (as of 9-2015).


The foundation stone for the energy saving account was laid in 2006. The conversation between Johannes Hengstenberg (managing director of co2online) and other interlocutors happened by chance on the subject of the difficulty of documenting one's own energy consumption, for example with the help of Excel tables. The idea of ​​wanting to make one's own energy consumption visible to many was solved by developing the energy saving account. The idea was technically implemented by SEnerCon GmbH and distributed by the non-profit co2online GmbH. Since 2009 the energy saving account has been funded by the Federal Environment Ministry as part of the “Energy Saving Club” campaign .


In order to be able to use the energy saving account, you have to register. After registration, the user is directed to an input mask and is asked to enter data on the apartment and his previous consumption data (e.g. meter readings or consumption bills ). By entering this data on a regular basis, an individual energy balance can be calculated and potential energy savings identified. An energy saving account can also be linked to a smart meter and the data imported into the account.

Users of the energy saving account can check their energy consumption in the areas of electricity, heating, water, mobility and photovoltaics . The more frequently and regularly the user enters his data into the energy saving account, the more precise the analysis will be. Results and potential savings can be displayed as tables or diagrams showing, for example, the daily and weekly costs and also a forecast up to the end of the year. In addition, important events can be documented in the energy saving account, for example the replacement of an old heating pump with a new and more effective pump.

The energy savings account gives tips on which specific measures can be used to exploit the savings potential. It checks the success of the measures and shows how much money was saved and how much CO 2 could be avoided.

User and effect

Around 90,000 registered users (as of 9-2015) have opened an energy saving account and over 974,000 consultations were completed (as of 9-2015).


With the help of the EnergieCheck smartphone app , meter readings can be recorded directly on the meter and synchronized with the energy saving account. With the app, several meters and households can be managed at the same time. History diagrams show how energy consumption is developing.

Web links

Individual evidence

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