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Enosh ( Hebrew אֱנוֹשׁ"Man") is a biblical figure in the Old Testament .

Enosh is the eldest son of Set , the third son of Adam and Eve . According to Gen 5,6–11  EU , his father was 105 years old when he fathered Enosh. No information is given in the Bible about his mother. The Book of Anniversaries names Sets sister Asura as his mother. Enosch became a father for the first time at the age of 90. According to the book of anniversaries, his wife was his sister Noam. He named his eldest son Kenan . Then he is said to have lived another 815 years and had many more sons and daughters. Enosch thus died at the age of 905. Furthermore, in Gen 4,26  EU it is mentioned that at the time when Set Enosh was born, the name of God, YHWH , began to be invoked.

Enosh is mentioned in the family tree of Jesus in Lk 3.38  EU .

According to the Book of Jubilees (4: 11-13), a canonical text of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church , it was Enosh himself, and not his father, who began to call on the name of the Lord. Hence, in the Ethiopian Orthodox tradition, he is considered a believing and righteous servant of God. He is also credited with introducing the original consonant alphabet, in which the ancient Ethiopian church language was written , after a divine revelation .

In the saints calendar of the Armenian Apostolic Church , his day is held on July 30th.

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