Disposal and recycling specialist

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Waste disposal and recycling / -frau is a training - or teaching profession in Austria with a training period of three years. The professional profile of waste management and recycling specialist is further subdivided into the areas of waste and sewage .

job profile

Waste area

Disposal and recycling specialists in the field of waste deal with all facets of waste management: The collection of waste and residual materials, the records of the type and quantity of the materials delivered and chemical analyzes in the laboratory . The classification of the waste material defines the procedure for the proper disposal of waste and residual materials. Another task is the control and monitoring of landfills and customer advice.

Sewage area

Disposal and recycling experts in the field of wastewater deal primarily with wastewater disposal and recycling . In addition to operating and monitoring wastewater technology machines, systems and devices, water analysis is an important part of the job. Disposal and recycling specialists check and assess wastewater to be treated by means of chemical and physical analyzes in order to ensure that it is properly disposed of and reprocessed.


The three-year training to become a waste management and recycling specialist takes the form of dual training. The apprentice has to decide on a specialization in the areas of waste or wastewater at the beginning of their training.

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