Earth radiation suppression device

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Earth radiation suppression device from the 1970s: Original Phylax

Devices for allegedly eliminating supposedly harmful earth rays are referred to as earth radiation suppression devices . They were particularly common between the 1940s and 1970s. In the 21st century they will also be sold, for example on the Internet.

Claimed benefit

Since the existence of dowsing rods , humans have grappled with the dangers of rays for the human body. The dowsing deals with so-called earth rays that are harmful to the human body apparently. These earth rays are allegedly found by dowsers. It is recommended that those affected in the vicinity of a supposed earth radiation source neutralize it with the help of an earth radiation suppression device or divert it into the earth.


Opened earth radiation suppression device. Particularly good to see: The supply line runs nowhere.

The construction of an earth radiation suppression device is very simple: In a plastic housing there is a parallel resonant circuit consisting of a coil and a capacitor . This is supposed to pick up the earth's rays, similar to a radio antenna for radio signals. By induction , the bundled earth rays should then be transferred to the protective conductor of the supply line connected to a socket and drain into the earth.

Construction and shape of earth radiation suppression devices vary somewhat in shape and appearance, but are the same in their basic structure. A common feature of almost all devices is that they are usually screwed shut and the screws are secured against opening. The inside is often poured out with wax.


The existence of harmful earth rays caused by water veins or mineral resources has not been confirmed by science. Accordingly, technical devices for removing something that is not there are likely to be ineffective. In addition, the earth radiation suppression devices are likely to be the only devices that are factory-fitted with a connection cable for the socket, but inside, apart from the protective conductor, are not connected to this. This means that an earth radiation suppression device is a passive electrical device that does not consume any electricity.


Individual evidence

  1. Gerald L. Eberlein: Small Lexicon of Parasciences. C. H. Beck, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-406-39219-9 .