Erica Isabel Pazur

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Erica Isabel Pazur (* 1976 ) is an Argentine actress and theater educator .


In 2003 she graduated from the “Escuela de Arte Dramático de Buenos Aires” (School of Performing Arts in the City of Buenos Aires). Since then she has conceived and performed a number of projects. a. The Music Stand (2nd prize in the children's theater competition) and 'The Date' (clown theater ), Oh, sana! (Buffontheater) and in cooperation with the composer Marios Joannou Elia (Cyprus), the melodrama ' The Box' for actress and guitar.

She took part in the international theater festival Necochea - Kindertheater - Festival and the Villa Giardino Theater Festival in Argentina, the Pflasterspektakel Linz, the Villach Festival, the Feldkirch Gaukler Festival and the Festival of Dreams in Innsbruck. In 2007 Erica Pazur was invited to perform at the International Drama Festival in Sibiu (European City of Culture 2007) in Romania under the auspices of the Cultural Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina. In 2010 she appeared in Shakespeare's ' Midsummer Night's Dream ' at the Beckett Theater in Buenos Aires and at the 7th Theater Festival of the Universidad del Litoral in Santa Fé, Argentina .

In 2010 she played the leading role of Carmen in 'ESB' A Love Story in the Suburbs at the Tadrón Theater (2010) and at the Teatro de la Fábula (2011) in Buenos Aires. Erica Pazur currently works as a theater pedagogue in the school EGB 164 in the province of Buenos Aires and holds numerous workshops for various institutions.

Productions (selection)

  • 2012 CD: 'Canciones de cuna' (Acqua records- Naxos) as narrator , La arrulladora from: Platero y yo. This work, composed by Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco (based on a text by Juan Ramón Jiménez), was performed with guitarist Isabel Siewers as part of the Ars Nobilis concert series in Buenos Aires and at Concieros de Gala in La Matanza, Buenos Aires.
  • 2010/11 ESB (Un amor del conurbano) (collective creation) Carmen , directed by Seba Ferre
  • Weekly performances in El Tadrón (2010) and in Teatro de la Fábula (2011) Buenos Aires
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream (W. Shakespeare) Fee , directed by Claudio Martinez Bel, weekly performances at the Beckett Theater, Buenos Aires.
  • La Caja (melodrama) narrator / Anna , idea- conception E. Pazur - music MJElia
  • Cooperation project with the composer Marios Joannou Elia (Cyprus). First performed with the guitarist U. Prof. María Isabel Siewers (Art University Mozarteum Salzburg) at the music festival Encuentros de Música Contemporánea in Buenos Aires. Resumption at Centro Cultural El Garage, Haedo and Villa Giardino Theater in Argentina.
  • Oh sana! (Buffontheater) Solo performance Mirta , directed by Marcelo Savignone, performed at the Villa Giardino Theater Festival, Córdoba (Argentina) in February 2007.
  • 2005 The date (clowning) solo performance , idea and conception by E. Pazur. The Date premiered at the Villa Giardino Theater Festival, Córdoba, Argentina, in February 2007. Resumption at the International Theater Festival in SIBIU (Romania) and at the Juggler Festival – Feldkirch (Austria), under the patronage of the cultural department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina. It received the advancement award in the category clown theater at the Moreno Theater Competition 2005 in Argentina.
  • The music stand (clowning) Solo performance , directed by Enrique Federman. This in-house production was performed by Erica Pazur in the Zitarrosa Theater (Uruguay) and at the International Children's Theater Festival in Necochea (Argentina) in 2005. It was resumed at the Pflasterspektakel Linz, Festival in Villach, Juggler Festival-Feldkirch and Festival der Träume-Innsbruck in July 2006 and received 2nd prize in the clown theater category at the 3 de Febrero children's theater competition in Argentina
  • During her studies at the Escuela de Arte Dramático, she played Angelique in The Imaginary Sick (Moliére) in 2003 and Martirio in The House of Bernarda Alba (F. Garcia Lorca) in 2002

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Beckett Theater
  3. Criticateatral
  4. tadronteatro
  5. Teatrodelafabula