Detection service

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Identification Service ( ED ) is in criminalistics the umbrella term for all activities within the police , which deals with the search for traces of the crime scene and trace analysis (recording material evidences deal). It also describes the teaching of the description of persons .

Identification service (search for clues)

As a rule, specialized criminal police departments operate the identification service, but in simple cases (e.g. burglary with minor damage) it is also carried out by the security police .

The detectives and employees of the identification service are forensic specialists who carry out their work both at the crime scenes (searching and securing) and in the collections at the departments (evaluation). They proceed according to criminal tactics as well as logical criteria.

The detection service moves out when there is evidence of evidence at the crime scene. In the case of capital crimes , the so-called "Big ED" (identification service, a group consisting of many detectives and employees) moves out.

Identification service treatment

The members of the identification service also have the task of taking fingerprints of suspects , photographing them and recording special physical features (scars, birthmarks, tattoos, etc.).

Identification service measures for people are both repressive and preventive (see Section 81 ff. Of the Code of Criminal Procedure ). Furthermore, the state police stations have anchored in the police laws special regulations for the implementation of an identification service that serves purely to avert danger .

See also