Ernst-Günter Brinkmann

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Ernst-Günter Brinkmann (born June 29, 1943 in Nierstein ) is a German politician ( SPD ).


After graduating from high school, Brinkmann studied and became a qualified psychologist. He then completed a legal clerkship for a higher teaching post. He worked for an educational counseling center before he entered the school service and finally became director of studies at a vocational school. Brinkmann is married and has two children.


In 1968 Brinkmann joined the SPD and was, among other things, deputy sub-district chairman. From 1979 to 2006 he was a member of the city ​​council of Worms and was chairman of the SPD parliamentary group. From 1987 to 2006 he was a member of the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament . He represented the constituency of Worms there and was the health policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group.

In addition, he was district chairman of the AWO, member of the supervisory board of Energie und Wasser für Remscheid GmbH (EWR), Stadtwerke Worms Holding GmbH, Worms Energie GmbH, Entsorgungsgesellscha4 Worms mbH, the economic development company for the city of Worms mbH, on the administrative board of the special purpose association of Sparkasse Worms , on the supervisory board of Rhenania Worms , in the state youth welfare committee, in the ÖTV and in the IG Chemie. The state of Rhineland-Palatinate honored him in 2006 with the award of the Freiherr vom Stein plaque .
