Ero kawaii

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Ero Kawaii ( Jap. エロ可愛い , dt. "Erotic-cute"), even Erokawa ( エロカワ ) is a word of Japanese subculture that from a Japanese perspective of the western trend of sex appeal (based on the English slang term sexiness ) in contrast to define the Japanese kawaii trend in combination. The term was first published in Japan in 2005 and is a fusion of ero ( エ ロ ; for erotic - but is received as negative in Japanese culture) and kawaii ( 可愛 い ), which stands for sweet .

Origin and Distribution

The term was first used by the Japanese singer Kumi Kōda as Ero-Kakkoii ( エ ロ か っ こ い い , "erotically cool") in public to describe her artistic style. Many Japanese women related the word ero to something negative but found it acceptable for the word to be associated with kakkoii . Kumi gave other variations such as Ero-Kakko-Kawaii or the well-known word Ero Kawaii . With the increasing popularity of the singer in the following years 2006 and 2007, the word spread more and more artists like the Korean singer Ayumi Lee or Leah Dizon described Kumi as her influence on Ero Kawaii .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Web Japan, February 22, 2006 Sexy and cool In (English), accessed August 3, 2017
  2. Chang May, September 5, 2006; How long can Ayumi be QUEEN? The next Kumi Koda ?, in The New Paper , accessed February 20, 2009