Publishing year

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The year of publication , publication year or printed matter, including printing year is in Contacts specified a publication year in which the work is to be put on the market.

Information in printed works

Early modern printing dates should be viewed with caution. In the book trade, they mainly signaled how new the title was. The statement - was a book on the market before the end of the year - was regularly postponed to the next year, so that the title could be sold as more up-to-date at the next fair. Book advertising in magazines and newspapers can usually give the exact date here.

Apparently second editions also deserve special attention. There are editions of many novels from the 17th and early 18th centuries that differ in nothing but the indication of the year of publication on the title page, which differs by one year . A review of the book block - for differences - often allows the suspicion that the title was simply not completely lost in the first year. The publisher, who wanted to avoid a previous printing year for current goods - novels were above all a current, fashionable production - was able to exchange the title pages of the unbound books for updated ones.

Web links

Wiktionary: year of publication  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations