Eshwary megaliths

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The Eshwary megaliths ( English Eshwary stone row ) are a row of stones west of Newry in County Armagh in Northern Ireland .

It consists of four north-south oriented menhirs ( English Standing Stones ). Two stand and two alternate. All stones are less than two meters high and about 50 cm wide.

Rows of stones are not common on the island of Ireland , particularly east of Ulster . The best known are Aughlish North, Broughderg North, Clagan, Davagh and the Goles Stone Row . Among them, the Eshwary megaliths stand out due to the size of the stones.

Nearby lies Court Tomb of Eswary.


  • Kennet McNally: Standing Stones and other Monuments of early Ireland . Appletree Press, Belfast 1984, ISBN 0-86281-121-X .

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Coordinates: 54 ° 11 ′ 48.1 ″  N , 6 ° 25 ′ 37.6 ″  W.