Estori ha-Parchi

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Estori ha-Parchi ( Hebrew אֶשְׁתוֹרִי הַפַּרְחִי Eštōrī haParchī ; * around 1282 in Florenzia , Spain ; † around 1357 in Palestine ) was the first Jewish explorer of the Palestinian topography . His nickname ha-Parchi can be interpreted as "the one from Florenzia".

After the Jews were expelled from France in 1306 , he lived in Bet She'an , from where he provided one of the most important descriptions of the medieval place, whose former importance was no longer recognizable. His best-known work is kaftor wa-ferach ("Knauf und Blume"), including about Palestinian localization. The title of the work is an allusion to the name of the author ("Parchi" is the adjective to "Perach", flower).


  • Bernard Zolty (ed.): Estori Ha-Parhi: Caftor wa-ferah. Introduction, traduction française, notes. Paris n.d. [2003].
