Ethnic conflicts in Ghana

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The West African state of Ghana has been spared the major ethnic conflicts in Africa. Nevertheless, since the country's independence there have been a number of ethnically based conflicts, the majority and most severe of which took place in the north of the country in the 1980s and 1990s.

Overview of the conflicts

  • Konkomba - Bimoba conflicts in 1984, 1986/87 and 1989 (60 dead, several hundred displaced)
  • Nawuri - Gonja conflict 1991 (78 dead and hundreds injured)
  • Gonja Vagla conflict 1980
  • Konkomba- Nanumba conflict 1981
  • Mamprusi - Kusasi conflict 1982
  • Konkomba-Nawuri conflict in 1990
  • Gonja-Navuri conflict in 1992
  • Konkomba-Gonja conflict 1992
  • Konkomba- Mossi conflict 1993
  • "Guinea Fowl War" or "Northern Conflict" 1994/95, beginning as the Dagomba-Konkomba conflict that spread to other ethnic groups (2000, according to other sources also 10,000 to 20,000 dead, 200,000 displaced persons and 441 destroyed villages)


  • Hippolyt AS Pul: Exclusion, Association and Violence: Trends and Triggers in Northern Ghana's Konkomba-Dagomba Wars. In: The African Anthropologist Vol.10 (1) 2003: 39-82
  • BA Talton: The Past and Present in Ghana's Ethnic Conflicts: British Colonial Policy. In: Journal of Asian and African Studies. 2003; 38: 192-210
  • von Zedlitz, Albrecht: "Ethnic - national integration and education in Ghana: Ethnic and national attitudes among the Fante, Asante, Dagbamba and Ewe"; Hohenschäftlarn, 1984.

Sources / web links