Eugenics, genetics, inheritance maintenance

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Eugenik was the magazine published between October 1930 and June 1933 with the subtitle Erblehre, Erbpflege des eugenically- oriented German Association for Public Appeal .

The magazine was founded in 1926 under the title Zeitschrift für Volksaufartung und Erbkunde . From 1928 until September 1930 it was published as a magazine for public opinion, heredity and marriage counseling . In October 1930, the magazine was reissued under the title Eugenik, Herblehre, Erbpflege by the second chairman of the Bund für Volksaufartung and Prussian Minister of Welfare Arthur Ostermann . Other editors were the scientists Eugen Fischer , Fritz Lenz , Hermann Muckermann , Ernst Rüdin and Otmar von Verschuer . It was published by the Berlin publishing house Alfred Metzner .

Eugenics, hereditary teaching, inheritance care practically developed into the organ of the eugenically oriented, “Berlin” wing of the German Society for Racial Hygiene around Fischer, to which Muckermann, Ostermann and von Verschuer were also assigned. On the other hand, the competing Nordic-racial-theoretical-oriented “Munich” wing, to which Alfred Ploetz , Rüdin and Lenz belonged, determined the line of the Archive for Racial and Social Biology , the official journal of the German Society for Racial Hygiene.

With a circulation of 4,200 in 1933, Eugenics, Hereditary Teaching, Hereditary Care reached five times as many readers as the Archive for Racial and Social Biology .

In the preface to Eugenics, Hereditary Teaching, Hereditary Care , certain groups of people were denied the value of their lives in 1930 and new laws on population policy were called for:

“An overwhelming and constantly growing ballast of unfit, unworthy of life people is entertained and fed in institutions - at the expense of the healthy, of whom hundreds of thousands are without their own apartment and millions are starving without work. Do not warn the need of our time loudly enough 'planned economy', i. H. Doing eugenics in health policy? "

In 1933, due to the fact that the press was brought into line in Nazi-ruled Germany , the magazine ceased to appear after its July issue.


  • Hans Walter Schmuhl: Crossing borders. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics 1927-1945 , Wallstein Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-892447-99-3 (History of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society under National Socialism, Volume 9)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Schmuhl: Grenzüberreitungen , 2005, page 125
  2. Hans-Günter Zmarlik: Social Darwinism in Germany as a Historical Problem , in Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 11, No. 3 1963 (28 pages PDF)
  3. Schmuhl: Border Crossing , 2005, page 30
  4. P. Weingart, J. Kroll, K. Bayertz: Race, Blood and Genes. History of eugenics and racial hygiene in Germany , Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1988, p. 253, cited here from: Cornelia Schmitz-Berning: Vokabular des Nationalozialismus , Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2000, p. 382