Euphorbia alcicornis

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Euphorbia alcicornis
Family : Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae)
Subfamily : Euphorbioideae
Tribe : Euphorbieae
Sub tribus : Euphorbiinae
Genre : Spurge ( Euphorbia )
Type : Euphorbia alcicornis
Scientific name
Euphorbia alcicornis

Euphorbia alcicornis is a species of the genus spurge ( Euphorbia ) in the family of Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae).


The succulent and dioecious Euphorbia alcicornis forms heavily branched shrubs or smaller trees. The upright branches are 3 to 5 millimeters thick and branch dichotomously . Terminal branches are up to 7.5 inches long.

At the shoot tips there are large numbers of cymen with almost sedentary cyathia that reach a diameter of about 3.5 millimeters. The egg-shaped nectar glands are single. The spherical fruits are about 8 millimeters in diameter and are densely covered with Harren. You stand on a bent back handle. The conical seed is 4 millimeters wide and 3 millimeters long, is reddish in color and has a narrow caruncula .

Distribution and systematics

Euphorbia alcicornis is common in central Madagascar . The species has not yet been precisely identified.

The species was first described in 1887 by John Gilbert Baker .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Journal of the Linnean Society. Volume 22, p. 517. London, 1887 ( online )

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