Euphorbia applanata

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Euphorbia applanata
Family : Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae)
Subfamily : Euphorbioideae
Tribe : Euphorbieae
Sub tribus : Euphorbiinae
Genre : Spurge ( Euphorbia )
Type : Euphorbia applanata
Scientific name
Euphorbia applanata
Thulin & Al-Gifri

Euphorbia applanata is a species of the genus spurge ( Euphorbia ) in the family of Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae).


The succulent Euphorbia applanata grows as a perennial, herbaceous plant and arises from a broad and thick root. There are many thick shoots that spread just above the ground and form low carpets up to 30 centimeters in diameter. The linear and somewhat succulent leaves are up to 12 millimeters long and 1.6 millimeters wide. They are almost sessile, covered with short hair and the leaf margin is curved inward.

The inflorescence is formed from cymes , each of which stands on a stalk up to 1 centimeter long in two to three branched umbels. The short-haired cyathia are about 2.5 millimeters in size. The elliptical nectar glands are reddish green in color and are up to 1 millimeter long. The elongated and short-haired fruit is only slightly lobed and is 4 millimeters wide and 3 millimeters long. It stands on a 5 millimeter long handle that is bent back and protrudes. The elongated and compressed seed is about 3.5 millimeters long and 1.5 millimeters wide. On it is a 1 millimeter wide, cream-colored appendage with fringed edges.

Distribution and systematics

Euphorbia applanata is widespread in Yemen in the Hadramaut region.

The species was first described in 1995 by Mats Thulin and Abdul Nasser Al-Gifri .


Individual evidence

  1. Nordic Journal of Botany. Volume 15, No. 2, pp. 193-195 Copenhagen 1995