Euphorbia turbiniformis

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Euphorbia turbiniformis
Family : Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae)
Subfamily : Euphorbioideae
Tribe : Euphorbieae
Sub tribus : Euphorbiinae
Genre : Spurge ( Euphorbia )
Type : Euphorbia turbiniformis
Scientific name
Euphorbia turbiniformis

Euphorbia turbiniformis is a species of the genus spurge ( Euphorbia ) in the family of Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae).


The succulent Euphorbia turbiniformis has fibrous roots and grows with a spherical and unbranched, sometimes dichotomously divided body. It becomes about 4 centimeters in diameter and is greenish brown in color. On the surface there are about 5 millimeter fields, which are distributed in 14 to 20 rows over the plant body and thus provide it with a pattern. In the middle of these fields there is a very small scale.

The inflorescence consists of about 2 millimeters large, simple cymen that appear just above the scales. They are grouped radially around the vertex, each 1 to 2 together, each with 2 to 3 lateral cyathia . The inflorescence stalks are up to 5 millimeters long, the cyathia up to 2 millimeters in diameter. The rounded nectar glands are yellowish in color and stand individually. The ovary stands on a bent back flower stalk and protrudes.

Distribution and systematics

Euphorbia turbiniformis is distributed in the north-east of Somalia on an exposed limestone plateau with small shrubs at altitudes of about 300 meters.

The species was first described in 1929 by Emilio Chiovenda .


Individual evidence

  1. Flora Somala Volume 1, p. 302, 1929

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