European social summit

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The European Social Summit takes place twice a year in the run-up to the spring and autumn meetings of the European Council . It offers a forum for the exchange of ideas between the European social partners , the European Commission and the Trio Presidency . Often the name "tripartite social summit" or "tripartite social summit" is used.


The heads of government and labor ministers of the member states of the current trio Council Presidency , the European Commission and the European social partners take part in the social summit. The social partners should form two delegations of the same size, each with ten members, as their representatives. These consist of delegates from cross-industry European associations who represent the general interests or more specific interests of managers and small and medium-sized companies at European level. Their technical coordination is the responsibility of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the European Industry and Employers' Associations (UNICE) .


The purpose of the Social Summit is to involve the European social partners in the implementation of the Union's economic and social policy. The tripartite social summit has been held since 2003 and is the institutionalized continuation of the informal social summit that has been held since December 2000.

Legal basis

The social summit has its legal basis in Council Decision 2003/174 / EC of 6 March 2003 establishing a tripartite social summit for growth and jobs

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Social summit: EU is working on a solution for a sustainable and job-intensive economic recovery. European Commission press release, accessed October 17, 2011 .
  2. a b Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment. Portal Europe, accessed on October 17, 2011 .
  3. 2003/174 / EC: Council decision of March 6, 2003 establishing a tripartite social summit for growth and jobs , accessed on October 17, 2011 . In: EUR-Lex .