European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes

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The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) (dt .: European Foundation for Diabetes Research) was established in 1999 by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) (dt .: European Society for the Study of Diabetes) as a foundation established to to support research in the field of diabetology in Europe, to disseminate and apply newly acquired knowledge. The EFSD is now the largest international non-profit foundation for diabetes research in Europe. It is managed by the same board as the EASD.

The EFSD is a non-profit foundation that financially supports diabetes research aimed at curing and preventing all types of diabetes and the complications associated with it.

In order to achieve these goals, the EFSD accepts private donations and is continuously expanding its cooperation with other foundations and partners from industry. In the period from 1999 to 2008, the EFSD made more than € 50 million available for research funding. In addition to the programs with industrial partners, there are now two self-financed funding programs that finance clinical research projects and collaborations between Western and Eastern European institutes.

With its various programs and activities, the foundation aims to raise awareness in Europe of this serious and rapidly spreading disease.

Scientists from universities and clinics can apply for grants of up to € 500,000 for clinical or laboratory studies. Funding is also distributed for young scientists who want to gain experience and learn new techniques by staying in a laboratory abroad. Cooperation between European and Asian research laboratories is also promoted with special programs.

All applications submitted are checked and evaluated by an independent committee made up of experts from various European countries. The distribution of the funds is based on a purely scientific basis without the influence of sponsors.

Individual evidence

  1. Homepage of the European Society for Diabetology: online here ; last viewed on Nov. 4, 2008
  2. Homepage of the European Foundation for Diabetes Research: online here ; last viewed on Nov. 4, 2008