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The eurytherm (from the ancient Greek words εὐρύς Eurys = broad, wide, spacious and οἶκος oikos = house, residence composed) or Eurypotenz refers to the ability of biological species , a wide range of variation of one or more environmental factors have to endure, so a wide range of tolerance.

Individuals of Eurocean or Eurypotent species are viable in a wide range of different biotopes , as their potential expansion ( fundamental ecological niche or fundamental niche ) is hardly limited due to the wide range of reactions . It should be noted, however, that this must not be confused with the real distribution of the species in question ( realized ecological niche or real niche ), as this is the result of the overall interplay of all environmental factors, in particular the biotic factors (competing species, predators, food) and also not every ecological potential of a species with regard to an environmental factor has to be realized.

Depending on the environmental factor, a distinction is made between:

  • eurybatic (regarding the water depth )
  • euryhalin (in terms of salinity ) ( salmon , barramundi , bull sharks and diamond turtles , for example, are euryhalin and thus have the ability to tolerate fresh water as well as brackish and salt water.)
  • euryhydr (regarding the water content)
  • euryhygr (regarding soil moisture )
  • euryphag (regarding the food supply)
  • eurytherm (regarding the ambient temperature)
  • eurytopic (regarding the geographic area in general)

Each species has a maximum within its growth curve, i.e. the representation of its vitality as a function of a certain environmental factor. It is typical of Eurocean species that their vitality only decreases slowly around this maximum and that their individuals can therefore also survive under conditions in which the relevant environmental factor differs comparatively far from the ideal range for the respective species. In the case of very narrow tolerance ranges, on the other hand, one speaks of stenoekia or stenoek species to differentiate it from euryokia .

The contrast between the two terms for the environmental factor soil moisture is illustrated by the figure below, in which the holm oak and black alder represent stenohygre species, while the common beech is a euryhygic species.

Graphic of ecological areas of existence and tolerance

See also

Individual evidence

  1. SimplyScience - Life in the Salt Stress. Retrieved May 28, 2020 .