Euryalus (son of Odysseus)

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Euryalos ( Greek  Εὐρύαλος ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

According to the tragedy Euryalus des Sophocles, lost today, Euryalus was a son of Odysseus and Euippe , a daughter of Tyrimmas , whom Odysseus met and fell in love with on his journey to Epirus . After Euryalus reached manhood, his mother sent him to Ithaca , his father's homeland. But Odysseus 'wife Penelope first found out about Euryalus' arrival and was also aware of her husband's previous love affair with Euippe. Before Odysseus found out who Euryalus was, Penelope was able to persuade her husband to kill him by claiming that Euryalus was planning a conspiracy against him. So Euryalus died at the hand of his own father. This legend is designed as a counterpart to the killing of Odysseus by his son Telegonus .



  1. ^ Sophocles, Euryalos in Parthenios of Nicaea , Erotica pathemata 3 ;. Eustathios of Thessalonike , Commentary on Homer's Odyssey 1796, 52.
  2. ^ Richard Wagner : Euryalos 6. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume VI, 1, Stuttgart 1907, column 1317.