Eurybatos (son of Euphemos)

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Eurybatos ( ancient Greek Εὐρύβατος ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

According to a metamorphosis legend handed down by the Greek mythographer Antoninus Liberalis , Eurybatos was the son of Euphemos and descendant of the river god Axios . One day he met Alkyoneus , who was to be sacrificed to the monster Sybaris so that his devastation around Delphi would end . Eurybatos was a young, fearless man and felt compassion for the beautiful boy who had been chosen for the sacrifice, so that in his place he allowed himself to be led to the cave of the monster in Mount Kirphis , which he was able to defeat and fell down a rock.


Individual evidence

  1. Nikandros in Antoninus Liberalis, Metamorphoses 8.