Eva Orner

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Eva Orner (* 1969 ) is an Australian film producer . In 2008 she won an Oscar for the documentary Taxi to Hell .


Orner grew up in Melbourne and studied at Monash University , from which she graduated in 1993 with a Bachelor of Arts . In Australia she drew attention to herself as a producer of several documentaries and the television series Blue Heelers . Her film Untold Desires won prizes at the Logie Awards , the Australian Film Institute Awards and the Australian Human Rights Awards , and the 1999 film Strange Fits of Passion was nominated at the Cannes International Film Festival . In 2004 she moved to New York .

For the documentary Taxi zur Hölle (orig: Taxi to the Dark Side ) from 2007, she won an Oscar together with director Alex Gibney in the category Best Documentary . a. against the favorite Sicko by director Michael Moore . The film, which reports on the murder of an Afghan taxi driver by US soldiers, also won a News & Documentary Emmy Award .

Her second film Chasing Asylum (2016) is about the Australian internment camps Nauru Detention Center and Manus Detention Center on the island of Manus .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Former Monash student wins Academy Award message on the Monash University website
  2. It's an Oscar for Eva article on theage.com from February 26, 2008 (English)