Evert Hoek

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Evert Hoek (* 1933 in Southern Rhodesia , now Zimbabwe ) is a South African-Canadian civil engineer specializing in geotechnical engineering and a leading international expert in rock mechanics.


Hoek began his research on rock mechanics in 1958 (on problems with fragile rock in deep gold mines in South Africa) and received his doctorate in 1965 at the University of Cape Town (Rock fracture under static stress conditions). From 1965 he was at Imperial College , where he set up a cross-faculty center for rock mechanics at the Royal School of Mines. Among other things, he developed a triaxial device for rock mechanics in 1968 . Later he was a professor at the University of Toronto , was a senior consulting engineer at Golder Associates (where he became Senior Principal and Chairman) in Vancouver for twelve years from 1975 and then an independent consulting engineer with his own engineering office in Vancouver.

Hoek is a Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering , the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He received a PhD (D. Sc.) From the University of London and honorary doctorates from Toronto and the University of Waterloo . He received the first Mueller Prize of the International Society of Rock Mechanics and was a Rankine Lecturer ( Strength of jointed rock masses ) in 1983 and Terzaghi Lecturer ( Big tunnels in bad rock ) in 2000 .


  • with John Bray: Rock Slope Engineering , London, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1974, 1981
  • with ET Brown: Underground Excavations in Rocks , London, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1980, 1982

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