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Exnovation , the abolition of the old, is the opposite of innovation . Exnovation removes or withdraws usage systems, processes , practices or technologies that have been tested and confirmed but are no longer effective or no longer in accordance with the strategy.

Examples are the displacement of looms , cassette and video recorders as well as the ban on classic inefficient light bulbs by the European Union .

In sustainability research , exnovation is described as a process to exit from unsustainable infrastructures, technologies, products and practices due to path dependencies and resistance of established interests . Examples of this are the currently still pending exnovation processes of the nuclear and coal phase-out .

The term was coined in 1981 by John Kimberly.

"To think of 'introducing the new' without 'executing the old' (exnovation), however, obscures the view of the complexity of many change processes that modern societies are currently confronted with."

- Annika Arnold, Martin David, Gerolf Hanke, Marco Sonnberger : Metropolis-Verlag, 2015

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Media library. Innovation - Exnovation. Metropolis, Annika Arnold, Martin David, Gerolf Hanke, Marco Sonnberger, 2015, accessed January 8, 2017 .
  2. Exnovation. Knowledge compact, glossary. Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability non-profit GmbH, 2017, accessed on January 8, 2017 .
  3. Exnovation: Leaving unsustainable structures. Öko-Institut, 2017, accessed January 8, 2017 .
  4. With the energy transition to the economic transition? Global Ethic Institute (University of Tübingen), February 26, 2016, accessed on January 8, 2017 : "As long as fossil fuels are still used, the achievements of renewable energies will be ruined again and again, according to Fichter."
  5. Dirk Arne Heyen: Exnovation: Challenges and political design approaches for the exit from unsustainable structures. (PDF) Working Paper. Öko-Institut e. V., December 2017, accessed January 8, 2017 .
  6. ^ Annika Arnold, Martin David, Gerolf Hanke, Marco Sonnberger (eds.): Innovation - Exnovation . About processes of abolition and renewal in the sustainability transformation. 1st edition. Ecology and Economic Research, No. 99 . Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-7316-1164-6 , pp. 229 .