External data representation

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External Data Representation (short: XDR ) is an abstract technical communication standard that was defined by Sun Microsystems and other companies in order to standardize the data exchange between servers and clients independent of hardware. XDR is an implementation of the presentation layer of the OSI model for network communication and is stipulated in RFC 1014 . It was updated in 1995 by RFC 1832 , which added 128-bit floating point numbers, and in 2006 by RFC 4506 , which only contains structural changes, but no changes in content.

This standard is mainly used in communication in the SUN Network File System . A number of programming languages ​​support reading and writing of XDR data through library functions (see e.g. xdr _ * functions in libc under Unix for C , XDR module for Perl , xdrlib module for Python ).

XDR defines a representation for the most common data types such as B. integers , strings or arrays , but is itself untyped. The current standards set the XDR byte order to Big Endian , which corresponds to the Network Byte Order of TCP / IP . One XDR unit corresponds to 4 bytes. Floating point numbers are encoded in single and double precision according to the IEEE 754 standard.

Data types

Basic data types

Surname representation Explanations
integrity 32 bit two's complement
unsigned integer 32-bit integer
hyper 64 bit two's complement
unsigned hyper 64-bit integer
enumeration 32 bit integer
bool 32 bit integer 0 = false, 1 = true
float 32 bit IEEE floating point number
double 64 bit IEEE floating point number
quadruple 128 bit IEEE floating point number
opaque [n] Binary data of length n octets possibly with padding, if length is not a multiple of 4 bytes
opaque <n> 32-bit length field, followed by binary data with the specified length possibly with padding, if length is not a multiple of 4 bytes
string <n> 32 bit length field, followed by an ASCII string possibly with padding, if length is not a multiple of 4 bytes. If the length specification is omitted, a maximum length of 2 32 -1 applies
void - Empty data type that does not take up any storage space

Compound data types

Surname syntax representation Explanations
fixed-length array datatype identifier [n] n elements of datatype in a row
variable-length array datatype identifier <n> 32-bit length field, followed by max. n elements If n is absent, then n = 2 32 -1
structure struct{ type1 identifier1; ...} The components of the data structure in the order in which they are declared
discriminated union

Other data types

Surname syntax representation Explanations
optional-data datatype *identifier Is stored like a discriminated union with a boolean, followed by the data field if the boolean value trueis.

See also

Web links