Specialist lawyer for transport and forwarding law

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The specialist lawyer for transport and forwarding law is a title that lawyers can acquire from the Federal Bar Association . To do this, they must provide evidence of relevant specialist knowledge in accordance with Section 14g of the Specialist Lawyers' Regulations (usually by successfully completing a specialist lawyer course) and a minimum number of cases actually processed in accordance with Section 5 (1) (n) FAO.

According to § 14 g of the Fachanwaltsordnung , special knowledge of transport and forwarding law in the following areas must be proven:

According to a decision by the BGH, passenger transport law is not one of the cases that can be taken into account for the necessary practical experience of a specialist lawyer for transport and forwarding law, since the core area of ​​this specialist lawyer is the transport of goods. The passenger transport law is instead assigned to the area of ​​responsibility of the specialist lawyer for traffic law . As of January 1, 2018, 206 specialist lawyers are admitted in Germany.

Individual evidence

  1. BGH, judgment of June 22nd, 2020 - AnwZ (Brfg) 48/19
  2. Federal Bar Association , Statistics (PDF)

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