Specialist information service Romance studies

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The specialist information service Romance Studies is an infrastructure project to support Romance studies research.


With funding from the German Research Foundation, the FID supplements the offerings of the local libraries by providing supraregional provision of special literature in Romance languages, licenses for access to specialist electronic publications and other research-related offers. For example, it provides a research portal for all Romance studies on its website and offers information and advice on the topics of research data management and open access, including legal information. A Romance repository is currently being set up. In addition, the Romance Studies blog (until 2019: ciberaBlog ) and the FID Twitter account report on the project as well as on Open Access, research data management and the cultures of the Romance-speaking countries.

Project partners and collaborations

The service is operated by the University and State Library Bonn and the State and University Library Hamburg . Its activities are carried out in close coordination with a scientific advisory board made up of seven representatives from the Romance specialist associations and one representative from the romanistik.de platform. Another partner is the Digital Romance Studies Working Group of the German Romance Association. Acquisition agreements are made with the neighboring specialist information services, in particular with the FIDs Latin America, Caribbean and Latino Studies, African Studies, Eastern, Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe and Anglo-American Culture .

Previous projects

The previous special collection areas General Romance Studies, French Romance Studies and Italian Studies (ULB Bonn) and Spain / Portugal (SUB Hamburg), which were looked after by the two libraries from 1949 to 2015 until the program was discontinued by the DFG, are included in the FID . After switching to the DFG program Specialized Information Services for Science , the service has been supplying literature for the top Romance literature in Germany since 2016.

In addition, the FID portal brings together the functions of the previous virtual specialist libraries Vifarom and cibera . The new search portal is a central point of contact for all Romance studies and therefore also integrates other Romance studies, such as those of the Ibero-American Institute . The collections of internet sources from both platforms were also taken over and continued, as were the “Pilot” online tutorials. The ciberaBlog , which was established as part of the cibera virtual library , has been continued since 2008, in 2017 its focus was on the whole of Romania as well as on Open Access and research data, and in 2019 it was renamed Romance Studies Blog .


Web links