Specialized information services for science

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The System Specialized Information Services for Science is a funding program for scientific libraries of the German Research Foundation , which aims to strengthen and improve information infrastructures for research . It forms the further development of the special collection areas at academic libraries in Germany that have been funded since 1949 .


The aim of the specialist information services is to give scientists quick and direct access to specialist literature and research-relevant information.

To this end, specialist information services develop offers for the individual disciplines. Depending on the orientation and specific interests of a subject, various services can be developed in exchange with the specialist community, e.g. For example, tools for accessing digital resources can be provided, but the inventory of conventional publications can also be deepened. On average, the development of services is funded with similarly high financial resources as the purchase of print literature. Specialized information services provide information for science as a supplement to the basic services provided by academic libraries.

In contrast to the special collection areas , specialist information services no longer aim to collect and archive publications as comprehensively as possible. This is "rather a cooperative task of the national libraries and archives or comparable institutions of national rank around the globe".

Funded specialist information services

Funding since 2014 (unless otherwise stated: 2nd funding phase 2017-2019)

Funding since 2015 (unless otherwise stated: 2nd funding phase 2018–2020)

Funding since 2016 (unless otherwise stated: 2nd funding phase 2019-2021)

Funding since 2017

Funding since 2018

Funding since 2019


The Saarland University and State Library , which had been in charge of the special field of psychology for around 50 years, refrained from switching its activities to a specialist information service and applying for appropriate funds because it did not consider the orientation of the FIDs to be expedient. The concept of specialist information services in connection with a preference for digital media means “above all a departure from anticipatory and thus complete acquisition, i. H. the acquisitions are geared towards current research needs, so that, from our point of view, gaps in future needs that cannot be planned are preprogrammed. Since we are of the opinion that this concept is not sustainable, we have refrained from applying, ”the library explained on its website.

Evaluation 2019

In 2019, the DFG commissioned the consulting firm Prognos AG to evaluate the FID system. For this purpose, using qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research, opinions and experiences were obtained from library managers, FID managers, subject specialists and (potential) users. Overall, the FID system is given a positive certificate. As part of the FIDs, innovative services are developed and users are satisfied. For example, the following was noted as in need of improvement:

  • A clearer separation between project-based funding for innovative new services and sustainable, permanently financially secure inventory development is desired.
  • Redundant parallel structures with FIDs with overlapping content should be avoided.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Ceynowa: "Library Policy" - Pretention, Practice and Perspectives . In: Library research and practice . tape 40 , no. 3 , January 1, 2016, ISSN  1865-7648 , p. 413 , doi : 10.1515 / bfp 2016 to 0053 ( degruyter.com [accessed on 30 August 2020]).
  2. ^ Guidelines for specialist information services for science. In: dfg.de . Retrieved January 14, 2016 .
  3. Christoph Kümmel, Peter Strohschneider: End of the collection? The restructuring of the special collection areas of the German Research Foundation . In: Journal of Librarianship and Bibliography . tape 61 , no. 3 , May 21, 2014, p. 127 , doi : 10.3196 / 186429501461324 ( uni-jena.de [accessed on August 30, 2020]).
  4. a b c d e f FID projects in funding (as of January 2019). DFG, January 24, 2019, accessed on January 25, 2019 .
  5. Library services for top musicological research funded with 1.5 million euros. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, March 30, 2017, accessed on January 25, 2019 .
  6. Psychology. In: www.sulb.uni-saarland.de. Saarland University and State Library, accessed on March 7, 2016 .
  7. Bernd Hagenau: Why the SULB Saarbrücken does not apply as an FID . In: library. Research and practice . tape 38 , 2014, p. 403–406 ( digizeitschriften.de [accessed September 14, 2019]).
  8. Prognos (Ed.): Evaluation of the funding program “Specialized Information Services for Science” . May 2019, p. 140 ( dfg.de [PDF; accessed on August 30, 2020]).