Specialist in driving

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Tram in Munich
Bus driver in Munich
Bonn, subway driver in the driver's cab

Specialist in driving operations (FiF) is a recognized training occupation in Germany under the Vocational Training Act (BBiG). The profession was newly introduced in 2002.

The training lasts three years. In addition to the qualification to drive buses , trams or underground trains , the training includes technical as well as commercial and service qualifications, including:

  • Advice to passengers, ticket sales
  • Public relations, marketing
  • Commercial management
  • Creation of timetables and scheduling of travel operations
  • technical inspection and minor maintenance work on vehicles

Related professions


  • Carl Schamel (editor): Specialist in driving operations. Explanations and practical help on the training regulations . 2003, ISBN 3-8214-7150-6
  • Michael Zamejc: dream job : bus driver . 2012, ISBN 978-3-8442-1976-0

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