Specialist in the hospitality industry

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A certified specialist in the hospitality industry is a publicly recognized degree at the master's level , which is awarded after successfully completing industry-specific commercial advancement training in accordance with the Vocational Training Act. The nationwide examination takes place on the basis of a special statutory ordinance before the examination board of a Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

Areas of work and tasks

Specialists in the hospitality industry are used in many areas of the hotel and catering industry and perform management tasks in hotels , restaurants , system catering facilities , caterers or other hospitality facilities, applying economic, legal and social requirements. You have to analyze guest expectations, take new trends and developments into account and implement these findings commercially and in terms of management. In addition to the implementation and control of hospitality services, the specialist in the hospitality industry also takes on tasks in active marketing and sales and uses suitable technical and media communication tools and instruments for this purpose.

Specialists in the hospitality industry have knowledge, skills and experience that they have usually acquired through relevant professional training and several years of professional experience.

Training content

Business related qualifications
Field-specific qualifications
  • Guest orientation and marketing
  • Industry-specific management
  • Gastronomic law
  • Gastronomic offers

Training duration

Exam preparation courses can be completed full-time or part-time and usually last between 3 and 24 months. However, participation in a course is not mandatory for admission to the examination.

Exam admission requirements

Anyone can be admitted to the examination before a Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  • a professional qualification in a three-year hospitality or commercial profession and at least two years of professional experience in the hospitality industry
  • a professional qualification in a two-year hospitality or commercial profession and at least three years of professional experience in the hospitality industry or
  • at least five years of professional experience in the hospitality industry


Examination and completion

The examination includes a business-related and a field-specific part. After successfully completing all parts of the exam, the examining Chamber of Industry and Commerce awards the publicly recognized qualification as Certified Specialist in the Hospitality Industry .

Web links