Bassoon Organ Publishing House

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The Bassoon Organ Publisher (also FAGOTT ) is a German music publisher for organ music with headquarters in Friedrichshafen .


The label was founded in 1997 by the organist, musicologist and producer Alexander Koschel in Friedrichshafen . The main focus of the work is the recording, production, manufacture and distribution of organ recordings. The quality of the productions has been confirmed several times in the specialist press such as Ars Organi (D), Orgel International (D), Forum Kirchenmusik (D), Magazine Orgue (B), Music & Church Service (CH), and online magazine u. a. highlighted. Since 2006, Fagott-Orgelverlag has been working - as one of the first classical labels - also in the field of organ DVD production. The world's first organ Blu-Ray production followed in 2011.

Special projects such as the CD anniversary series for the 100th anniversary of the death of the organ builder Friedrich Ladegast , the complete recording of the organ works by Samuel Scheidt , and the DVD series “Orgeln audiovisuell” also brought the label international recognition. The Fagott-Orgelverlag has the largest multilingual specialist shop for organ CDs, DVDs and ACDs on the German Internet.

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