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FamilySearch is a public genealogical database as part of the Genealogical Society of Utah project , an organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ( Mormons ). It contains billions of records. Filmed church registers are an important part .

According to Mormon theology, the deceased can also gain access to Eternal Life or one of the other kingdoms of glory by being baptized for dead in a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by proxy . The Mormons are baptized into the dead in their families, so descent is of crucial importance. Hence the relevance of genealogical research to members of the Church of Jesus Christ LDS.

In addition to the Internet-accessible database, Family Search has around 4,750 volunteer locations around the world where Mormons conduct genealogical research in the database for their own use or anyone seeking advice. The headquarters and largest genealogical research facility in the world is the Family History Library in Temple Square , Salt Lake City . Here are the original holdings of the database: microfilms, transcripts and other copies of church records from around the world.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Description on GenWiki
  2. About FamilySearch
  3. Salt Lake City Library