Catch quota

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Under a catch quota is understood in the fishing one as a production rate fixed amount of aquatic animals ( edible fish , whales u. A.), Which may be taken in a defined area during a time period. You will e.g. B. expressed by the total allowable catch for a species of fish ( English Total Allowable Catch , TAC). The total allowable catch should be less or equal to the maximum sustainable yield ( English Maximum Sustainable Yield be MSY).

For Germany and the entire European Union , the total allowable catches are issued at EU level. Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty , they have been passed through the ordinary legislative procedure , with the Council and the European Parliament deciding on legislative initiatives by the European Commission on an equal footing . The setting of the fishing quotas is part of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and is intended to ensure that “the European fishing industry remains sustainable and the marine environment is not destroyed”. The TACs are set annually for most fish stocks and every two years for deep-sea species.

The established catch quotas are monitored by fisheries observers, among others. These are partially threatened and there have been cases of fishery observers missing. When the licenses were awarded, bribes are said to have already flowed. As of November 2019, the largest Icelandic fishing company is suspected of bribing Namibian ministers to increase their own catch quotas.

Individual evidence

  1. Art. 3 lit d of Regulation (EU) 2020/123
  2. Fisheries management. In: Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE), 2019, accessed October 15, 2019 .
  3. Agriculture and Fisheries. Network European Movement Germany, archived from the original on March 9, 2014 ; accessed on October 15, 2019 .
  4. Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). European Commission, accessed September 28, 2011 .
  5. TAC and quotas. European Commission, accessed September 28, 2011 .
  6. Gesa Steeger: The sea was calm . In: The daily newspaper: taz . May 12, 2018, ISSN  0931-9085 , p. 8–9 ( [accessed on May 14, 2018]).
  7. Fishing with false licenses - bribes for higher fishing quotas off West Africa. In: . November 19, 2019, accessed November 19, 2019 .