Fawwaz Haddad

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Fawwaz Haddad ( DMG Fawāz Ḥaddād, * 1950 , according to other sources 1947 , in Damascus , Syria ) is a Syrian lawyer and author .


Haddad studied law at Damascus University . After doing various activities, he turned to writing. His first novel Musayik Dimashq '39 was printed in 1991. Further publications followed, of which Al-mutarjim al-kha'in was nominated for the International Prize for Arabic Fiction in 2009. His last book, God's Soldiers , was on the longlist for this price, but did not make it on the shortlist. God's Soldiers was published in 2013 as Haddad's first work in German.

He commented on the situation of Christians in Syria in the 2013 war year in the FAZ .


  • 1991: Musayik Dimashq '39. Beirut. (Damascus mosaic 1939)
  • 1994: Teatro 1949.
  • 1994: Al-risala al-akhira. (The last letter)
  • 1998: Surat al-rawee. (The picture of the narrator)
  • 2000: Al-walad al-akhira. (The ignorant child)
  • 2004: Mirsāl al-gharām. Riyad al-Rayyis lil-Kutub wa an-Nashr, ISBN 978-9953-21-174-9
  • 2008: Al-mutarjim al-kha'in. (The unfaithful translator)
  • 2010: Junūd Allah. (Gotteskrieger, English title: God's Soldiers )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Terror rages in both chambers of this heart in: FAZ of July 13, 2013, page 37
  2. The land of Paul is losing its Christians in FAZ from November 7, 2013, page 28