Federal Alliance

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The Federal Alliance (FA) was a South African party.

It was founded in 1998 by the industrialist Louis Luyt , who from then on headed the party continuously. The FA saw itself as the mouthpiece of all ethnic groups frustrated by current politics, but was in fact a party of the Afrikaans .

In the 1999 election , it entered parliament, which was followed a year later by the merger with the Democratic Party and Nuwe Nasionale Party to form the Democratic Alliance . However, this was short-lived. While the Democratic Party kept this name to itself, the other parties left the alliance. The FA then eked out an existence as an insignificant party, in the national elections of 2004 it did not even run. In September 2007 it was announced that the party would merge with the Vryheid Front . Luyt retired from active politics in the same month.

Results in national elections

choice percent Seats
1999 0.54% 2